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A Stress and Energy Management System for Law Enforcement Designed to Work!

Why our system works:  Because it was created by experts in human performance, using the latest Science and Training techniques.

Learning to Thrive Under Pressure is Online Certification Service's stress and energy self-regulation education platform for Law Enforcement. This self-paced and personalized program teaches officers how to apply what they have learned to make a difference in their life. People learn and appreciate material differently, and this system recognizes these differences by presenting material so that everyone will understand and internalize the content equally. This flexible training uses online platforms, state of the art biofeedback equipment and techniques, and coaching for officers in person or over the phone; all in accordance with the officer's personal schedule.

Don't send the officers to training; bring it to them!

This person-centered training is designed with a learning phase, acquisition phase, application phase, and an assessment phase. These four phases are administered through quality education, Biofeedback training, and one-on-one personal coaching that answers questions, makes the training relevant to the officer, and mentors the officer to reach their goals for a better quality of life.

Available Courses and Programs:

  • Learning to Thrive Under Pressure - Law Enforcement Online Course:  An 8-hour, self-paced, online training course that covers a balance of hands-on activities, reading, and short video presentations that ensure the material is presented in a manner consistent with the differences in how officers learn.
    Purchase the 8-hour online course now for $79.95  Purchase Online Class
  • Learning to Thrive Under Pressure System - Law Enforcement:  A full 20-hour program that combines the 8-hour online education that is described above, with Biofeedback Training and Performance Coaching. The biofeedback uses Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which is a scientifically proven method shown to improve an officer's mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. The performance coaching has officers make telephone appointments to work one-on-one with a certified, expert performance coach in three sessions. Coaching materials may include biofeedback, additional instruction in stress and energy self-regulation, and development of a personal performance plan.
    - Critical Thinking Activity - Personal Resilience Guidebook (Heartmath) - $15.00
    - Education Activity - 8-Hour Online Training Course - $75.00 (discounted)
    - Learning Assessment - Included with Education Activity - $0.00
    - Biofeedback Practice - Inner Balance Sensor for iPhone/iPad - $99.95 each
    - Three one hour 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions - Price per hour - $70.00: total for 3 Hours $210.00
    - Program Assessment and Completion - Included with complete system - $0.00
    Purchase the complete system now for $399.95  Purchase Online Class